Time for real solutions for growth and human dignity

A second chance

Voluntary re-migration + empowerment


Business & economic growth

U.S. & Mexican business collaboration with governments, communities & people to:-

  • Deliver human dignity, business & economic growth
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An initiative to re-unite our family


  • Help us to return home

  • To rebuild our countries

  • Building a future

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With collaboration & mutual respect


  • We are re-migrating

  • Have a new start and

  • Work to grow Mexico’s  economy

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Empower & deliver hope, restore dignity


  • Rebuild our countries

  • New thinking

  • New Products & markets

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Invest in human dignity and business growth

Support voluntary re-migration and empower undocumented migrants to

build their future 

Invest in human dignity and grow your business


“A second chance”

The new power growth initiative that delivers re-migration & business growth, to;-

  1. Help undocumented migrants in the USA & Europe to re-migrate 
    • With business opportunities to return home and build their future
  2. Unlock new business grow for:-
    • USA businesses
    • Mexican businesses and
    • Initiate the rebuilding of Arab countries


U.S. & Mexican business collaboration, support & growth

 To re-dress:-
A) U.S.-Mexico re-migration 

-> And address the combined impact of:-

  • NAFTA’s U.S. & Mexico’s job losses & trade deficit
  • Illegal immigration & pending disruptive deportation, through:-
  • Collaboration between business, governments, communities & people to:-
  • Initiate voluntary re-migration for the US/Mexico


B) Initiate the Europe/Arabia re-migration and
  • Rebuilding Syria, Iraq and other Arab countries

Accelerating economic growth & stability, by:-

  • Creating new products and exports for the U.S. & Mexico
  • Deliver human dignity, business & economic growth

Support, service & growth options for:-

(Click your option to learn more)

Re-migration delivers

Business, economic and personal development on a new level

It sets you on a new growth path that enables you to deliver:-

Dignity, self-respect & economic freedom

Sponsors & suppliers you can trust and support

  • Sponsors who understand the impact of wildfires and

  • The importance to develop new equipment to reduce the impact of wildfire

Join top companies

To deliver real solutions and unlock growth

This has to stop

You can help and take action to stop this and

At the same time build your own financial security

Change it to this

Work with us & let's do it;- Operation rebuild, empowerment and growth

Rebuild = business growth

All that was distroyed

Be clear:-

  • Migration destroys individuals, destroys families, destroys economies, suppresses business.
  • Migrants’ main asset hope, is powerful. Hope for a better future.
  • This is not about taking advantage of people in need.
  • This is about collaboration, rebuilding and empowering people economically:-

That = business and market growth.

Smart programs change migration to re-migration

Re-migration + Business opportunities

= business & economic Growth +  empowerment & development

This unlocks the economy:-

  • Restore human dignity and
  • unlocks growth
  • Build long-term friends, business partners & markets

Migration changed to re-migration = business growth

= Trade

= Rebuild

= Long-term relations & friendship

New economic growth will be based on integrated development & economic growth

  • Human development,
  • Community and regional economic development
  • On an integrated basis, this accelerates business growth.
  • That is what The Firefly Innovations re-migration initiative offers you

Learn how you can make NAFTA work for you and the benefits

Email us and we will assist

Become a registered member &

  • make your business part of the development group
Registration level option